Accessibility statement
Welcome, this is the accessibility statement of SeAMK’s RDI Projects website.
Accessibility means that a website, web applications and social media channels can be used and understood smoothly.
Digital accessibility at SeAMK
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences takes digital accessibility into account in various online services and platforms, digital materials as well as teaching. Most of our online services and social media channels essentially meet levels A and AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
The implementation of the EU Accessibility Directive at SeAMK has been guided and supported by the Accessibility Team appointed by the DigiSeAMK Steering Group, whose term of office expired in August 2022. Thereafter, the promotion of digital accessibility at SeAMK has been the responsibility of the Accessibility Officer.
Comprehensive accessibility guidelines have been prepared for the use of SeAMK’s staff, students, and co-operation partners. Guidelines are:
- Creating accessible online content
- Making accessible documents
- Creating accessible digital materials (e.g. videos, images, podcasts, pdfs)
- Accessibility in teaching and teaching materials
- Creating an accessible Moodle course
- Considering accessibility in the procurement of digital services and content
SeAMK has also organised various accessibility trainings for online service administrators and online content producers, as well as for teachers, and all of them are supported in implementing accessibility.
Read more about our accessibility related activities here »
This website is subject to the law on the provision of digital services * 1, which is based on the EU Accessibility Directive * 2. The law provides equal access to services. SeAMK strives to guarantee the accessibility of digital services in accordance with the Act and the EU Accessibility Directive. We are constantly working to improve accessibility.
Availability status
This accessibility statement applies to the website and was lastly updated on 23 January 2025.
This website and our social media channels essentially meet levels A and AA of the WCAG requirements. Non-compliances and exceptions are mentioned below.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
Some files on the website may still be in an inaccessible format (pdf, docx, etc.). Some images may be missing alternative text. There may also be shortcomings in the clarity and comprehensibility of the content structure on some pages.
Accessibility shortcomings are always addressed as they are noticed. These shortcomings can be reported to us either via an online form *3 or by sending an e-mail to
If necessary, request files and other content in an accessible format by sending an e-mail to
Third-party content
This website also includes third-party applications and web sites. With regard to these, we strive to influence the accessibility, and therefore we want to hear about any accessibility shortcomings in them. As a general rule, this information will be provided to those responsible for the accessibility of the third-party web sites and applications in question.
With regard to materials produced by third parties, we have instructed content providers in the creation of accessible materials.
Do you need help?
We provide support for users for whom digital services are not accessible. Contact us by sending an e-mail to
Preparation of the accessibility statement
This website was published on November 22, 2021. This statement was originally prepared on 4 August 2021, and lastly updated on 23 January 2025. The statement is based on user testing and self-assessment.
Feedback and contact information
If you want to report a problem with the accessibility of this website, want some material in an accessible format, or if you have a suggestion or question about the accessibility of an online service, please contact us either by online form or by e-mail.
- Give us accessibility feedback using this an online form * 3.
- Or send us an e-mail to
Contact details of the supervisory authority
If you notice accessibility shortcomings on this web site, please first provide feedback to us, the webmasters. We will respond within 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received or do not receive a reply at all within two weeks, you can report it to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. Traficom’s website explains in detail how the notification can be made and how the matter is handled.
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit *5
telephone switchboard +358 (0)29 534 5000
This website was published: November 22, 2021
Accessibility statement was lastly updated: 23 January 2025