Children Hybrid Integration (Child-up) - SeAMK Projects

Children Hybrid Integration (Child-up)

Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading Policies of Participation

  • Funding: EU Horizon2020 (grant agreement number 822400)
  • Duration:  1.1.2019–30.6.2022
  • Coordinator: University of Modena and Reggio Emilia UniMoRe (IT)
  • Partners: EHS Zentrum (GER), ESHA (NL), IIHL (IT), Jagiellonian University (POL), Malmö University (SWE), SeAMK (FIN), Université Liège (BEL), University of Northampton (GBR), UniMore (IT)


  • To better understand the conditions of social and personal life of migrant children to improve the level of their well-being and active participation within schools and in the social context
  • To identify and analyse inspiring practices to understand and transform the social condition of migrant children
  • To offer schools tools to reflect on and act for a successful inclusion of migrant children
  • To provide relevant evidence to current policy debate and to stimulate the adoption of research-based public policies at the local, national and EU levels

SeAMK staff

  • Tiina Hautamäki, principal investigator
  • Henna Jousmäki, project manager
  • Aino Alaverdyan, lecturer
  • Previous project members and collaborators
    • Maiju Kinossalo, project manager
    • Paula Kuusipalo, leader of the quantitative work package
    • Jaakko Sihto, research assistant in the quantitative work package
    • also students have contributed to the project as part of their studies at SeAMK

Learn more

Read more on project’s international website »

For further information, please contact

Nainen seisoo käsi lanteilla.

Henna Jousmäki

Project manager, PhD






Hautamäki, Tiina

Principal Lecturer (Master School)



