Culture and language-aware nursing - SeAMK Projects

Culture and language-aware nursing

Culture and language-aware nursing in South Ostrobothnia, CareEP

Project information

The aim of the Culture and language-aware nursing in South Ostrobothnia -projects is to increase the cultural and language awareness of nursing organizations and promote the employment of Nursing program graduates as nurses in the South Ostrobothnia region. The DP in Nursing education program began at SeAMK in 2009. Throughout this time, it has been challenging to find practical training placements for nursing students with a foreign background in the region. As a result, many nursing graduates from SeAMK have gone to work as nurses in Southern Finland, while at the same time, South Ostrobothnia is facing a shortage of nurses.

On a broader scale, the project aims to enhance organizations’ capabilities for international recruitment of nurses, which is expected to increase due to the growing shortage of healthcare professionals.

The project duration is three years, running from February 1, 2023, to January 31, 2026.


The project is aimed at ensuring the availability of qualified nurses, especially in the South Ostrobothnia region. The models developed in the project will be used to support the clinical placement of the nursing students, the acquisition of the necessary language skills and to tailor individual qualification pathways for nurses already trained outside the EU/EEA countries. Nurses with a foreign background can be employed in jobs that match their skills and help to alleviate shortages of these health care organizations.

The project also aims to increase cultural and linguistic awareness in nursing organizations, promote the clinical placement of nursing students studying in SeAMK and nurses who have completed their education outside the EU/EEA and promote the employment opportunities for students after graduation.

The output of the project includes the creation of a career path model for nurses with a foreign background. The purpose of this model is to assist organizations in preparing for the employment of nursing students or trained nurses from outside EU/EEA countries.

Target group

The project targets nursing students with a foreign background (DP in Nursing), trained nurses from outside EU/EEA countries, and organizations that provide them with internships and are potential future employers.


Work Package 1: Provincial applicant activity model to seek nurses with foreign backgrounds within the region

  • Planning takes place in workshops in collaboration with regional operators.- Familiarization with existing searching action  and experiments.
  • Piloting attraction activities.
  • Implementation through close collaboration and various information and marketing measures.
  • Creation of a provincial applicant activity model.

Work Package 2: Guidance and support for nursing students with foreign backgrounds and foreign nurses with prior nursing degrees

  • Individual guidance.
  • Group guidance.
  • Feedback.

Work Package 3: Promotion of cultural and language awareness in healthcare organizations

  • Initial survey at workplaces.
  • Planning integration and mentoring training, as well as designing and producing a plain-language material package.
  • Training conducted as workshops at workplaces.
  • A specialist nurse acts as a mentor in employer organizations, supporting both the student/intern and the work community.
  • The project manager provides consultancy to workplaces on matters related to the recruitment of nurses with a foreign background.

Work package 4: Project management and communication

  • Implementation and monitoring of the project.
  • Project administration and administrative tasks.
  • Communicating about the project through websites, social media, and project publications.
  • Project initiation and closing seminars.


The project outputs include a plan for applicant activity model in South Ostrobothnia, individual guidance model, group guidance model, clear guidance and advice model for the career path, and a career path model. Additionally, an integration and mentoring training model, a plain-language material package to support employers and employees with a foreign background, and a communication plan.

Qualification for nurses educated outside EU/ETA area


Written in English:

Acharya, B. (2024). Culture and Language –Aware nursing in South Ostrobothnia– CareEP project. @SeAMK-verkkolehti.

Acharya, B. (2024). Language Support to Nursing Students Through the Project Culture and language-aware nursing in South Ostrobothnia Project and its initiatives. @SeAMK-verkkolehti.

Written in Finnish:

Asunmaa, M. 2023. Maahanmuuttaneen sairaanhoitajaopiskelijan integroituminen ja osallisuus harjoittelu- ja työyhteisössä – CareEP -hanke tukemassa urapolkua. Toim. Valkama, K., Loppela, K., Hautamäki, T. & Karvonen, M. Teoksessa: Osallisuus yhteiskunnassa ja työelämässä sekä niiden kehittäminen. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja B. Raportteja ja selvityksiä 186. ss. 85–98

Tynjälä, E. 2023. Osallisuuden esteet ja edistäjät – Ulkomaalaistaustaisten sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia osallisuudesta. Toim. Valkama, K., Loppela, K., Hautamäki, T. & Karvonen, M. Teoksessa: Osallisuus yhteiskunnassa ja työelämässä sekä niiden kehittäminen. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja B. Raportteja ja selvityksiä 186. ss. 75–84

Asunmaa, M. (2023). CareEP-hanke tukee nursing-opiskelijoita ja heidän kliinisen hoitotyön ohjaajiaan hoitotyön harjoitteluissa. @SeAMK-verkkolehti.

Asunmaa, M. (2024). Kulttuuri- ja kielitietoinen hoitotyö Etelä-Pohjanmaalla -hankkeessa kehitetty hakevan toiminnan malli EU/ETA maiden ulkopuolella koulutettujen sairaanhoitajien tavoittamiseksi. @SeAMK-verkkolehti.




Voltti, Terhi

Senior Lecturer





Acharya, Binu

Asiantuntija, tki





Tynjälä, Emmi

Asiantuntija, tki



