Regional Climate Roadmap for the Food Sector in Southern Ostrobothnia - SeAMK Projects

Regional Climate Roadmap for the Food Sector in Southern Ostrobothnia


  • Funding: Etelä-Pohjanmaan liitto, alueiden kestävän kasvun ja elinvoiman tukemisen määräraha (AKKE) / Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia
  • Duration: 1.6.2021-31.6.2022
  • Budget: 49 872 €
  • Area: South Ostrobothnia
  • Organisation: Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

The roadmap will provide a way for the climate sustainable food chain

Finland is aiming to reach climate neutrality 2035. There are plenty of opportunities for the farming sector to capture and store carbon. In the future, climate-wise companies will have an advantage in the market.

In South Ostrobothnia, the work for compiling the roadmap for the food sector gathers together research, development and innovation agencies as well as entrepreneurs and industries. The aim is to enhance the knowledge of climate issues as well as increase competitiveness. The work will provide directions for attaining sustainability goals and carbon neutrality.


  • To build up the climate knowledge of the South Ostrobothnian food sector
  • The main aim is to support the local food companies to develop towards climate sustainability and towards the actions of the Climate Roadmap of Agriculture
  • The project answers to the developing themes of the area
  • The project supports the utilisation of the necessary models in order to answer to climate change
  • To support the strategical sustainable development goals of the areas.

Everyone interested in sustainable food chain of South Ostrobothnia is welcome to give their input to the project!

Join the network here!


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Palomäki, Anu

Project Manager and Project Portfolio Coordinator



