Fresh forest-chips for farm-level heat production
Background of the project
Preventing the climate change is a global challenge. The use of bio energy in rural areas is an essential part of the goals of EU and Finland. Decreasing of CO2-emissions of farms and food chain is important, too. Promoting the sustainable food chain as well as developing of innovations and products are needed. The food security and energy security must be considered at all times.
Aim of the project
This project of the European Innovation Partnerships (EIP) is aiming at developing and piloting a farm-level heating plants (400-500 kW) to use fresh forest-chips.
Work plan of the project
EIP group collects field information for the topic. EIP group organizes workshops and excursions and uses SWOT analysis as a working tool.
The boiler manufacturer constructs a new heating plant system for the use of fresh forest-chips at farm level. The reduction of CO2 emissions of farm-level heating plants will be detected, too.
Project period from 1st of October 2019 until 31st of May 2023.
Project budget of 150,000 € funded by Rural Development Programme (Regional) – Mainland Finland and Ely Centre of Häme.
Project partners and co-operators
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences is the project coordinator. Veljekset Ala-Talkkari Oy is the project company. Farm holders Rantalan Broileri Oy and Kankaan Broiler Oy join the project. Also, the Finnish Forest Center, University of Vaasa and University of Helsinki are the project partners.
Thermopolis Oy Lapua, Kauhavan kaukolämpö Oy, MTK Forest Owner Association and FinnMETKO Oy co-operate with this EIP project.
The dissemination of the results
The dissemination of the project results is important and public e.g. via EIP-AGRI organisation. The final results and experiences are available at the end of the project period.
Project information in Finnish »

Further information

Senior Expert, RDI, Associate Professor