Sustainable Food Solutions - SeAMK Projects

Sustainable Food Solutions

Themes where we have special expertise:

  • Food safety
  • Nutrition expertise
  • New production methods in the food chain
  • Digitalisation in food production
  • Food chain business economy

What does SeAMK do in projects?

We bring the latest information and insight, we look to the future, to trends, practically. We provide and organise free webinars, seminars, information sessions and coaching.

Who can participate in SeAMK’s projects?

Entrepreneurs and their staff, regardless of company size and industry. We especially serve micro enterprises and SMEs in our region.

How does the company benefit from being involved?

Participation is easy, both remotely and on site. Our experts familiar with business life help in a practical way, bringing valuable outside insight.

What does it cost?

For the most part, the participation to our activities and events is free of charge. For more information on our paid services, visit the website.

How long does it take to participate?

Most of the events we organise are about 1-2 hours long. Company-specific development activities are agreed on a case-by-case basis.


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